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Member Undertakings:
The Beer Parlour Project – By Rob Pohl, with guest members Arturo Pianzola and Stephen Wreakes, plus Chris Doering and Connie Biggart from Off the Beaten Path with Chris & Connie.

Local (Edmonton) Resources for Film Photographers:
Society of Northern Alberta Print-Artists (SNAP) – Darkroom instruction and rental
Film and Video Arts Society of Alberta (FAVA) Darkroom rentals
McBain Camera – Sales of film and darkroom chemistry
Alberta Film Photographers – Facebook group for Alberta-based film photography lovers

PhotoTrio – Hosts APUG.ORG (Analog Photography Users Group) for resources/forums
Large Format Photography Forum – Forums on large format shooting
Alternative Photography – Alt process photography for all levels
Unblinking Eye – Advanced darkroom and historic photographic process website
Massive Dev Chart – Processing times for different film/paper and chemistry combinations

Tokyo Camera Style – Cameras and photography spotted in Tokyo, Japan
John Rosenthal – Writer/Photographer
Daido Moriyama  – Japanese photographer
Shorpy – Vintage photography blog
Dave Hendley – Photography blog
Leicaphilia – Leica 35mm film cameras and the people who use them

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